We offer a holistic service that will look at your dog as a whole. This will include looking at the health, nutrition, breed, history and the mental and physical needs of your dog.
We work with dogs of all shapes, sizes and needs from basic puppy training, to severe reactivity cases. Our team work with you and your dog to help you both to achieve your goals big or small.
Osteopathy is a form of alternative medicine that focuses on the entire body and not just one aspect. Osteopaths look at the structure of the body, the muscular and skeletal system as well as the automimics and nervous system in order to help the body to perform wholly at it's best from all angles.
We are proud to partner with Hopeful Hounds Rescue - a home run rescue with training at the forefront!
To find out more, contact the team here: Hopeful Hounds
Our recourses are all personally put together by our team and developed with you and your dog in mind. Education is at the heart of everything we do and we will take any opportunity to not only educate our clients but also ourselves.
Questions and comments are always welcome as we are always making new recourses and updating those we have available.